Popular Shlada (Moroccan Salades) with recipes

Shlada (Moroccan salad) is a broad term that encompasses a variety of salads, each with its unique flavor and texture. Some of the popular Moroccan salads include zaalouk, taktouka, and Moroccan carrot salad.


1/3/20244 min read

variety of moroccan salades
variety of moroccan salades

Moroccan salads or Shlayd (plural of Shlada) are a staple of Moroccan cuisine and are an essential part of almost every meal. These salads are a refreshing and healthy side dish that complements the bold flavors of Moroccan cuisine. Moroccan salads are usually served cold and are made with fresh vegetables and fruits, which are seasoned with authentic spices and natural oils.

My top 5 are :


Zaalouk is a simple and versatile salad that is part of the Moroccan culinary tradition. You can find different versions of it all over the country, depending on the region or the family. I love how easy, fast, and few ingredients it needs.

If you want to enjoy a smooth and flavourful aubergine salad with a touch of Moroccan spices, you should give it a try. Zaalouk is delicious by itself, as a dip, or as a filling for a yummy sandwich. It’s up to you.


• Put all the ingredients in a medium pan with some olive oil. Cook over medium-low heat with the lid on until the vegetables are tender, about 25 minutes. Check and stir from time to time to prevent sticking.

• Take off the lid and mash the vegetables (using a potato masher or the back of a spoon) and keep cooking over medium heat until the mixture is dry. Season with salt to taste. Enjoy it hot or cold, as a side dish, a dip or a spread. Add some olive oil and more coriander on top.


• You can store zaalouk in the fridge for up to 4 days.

• You can vary the recipe by adding some chopped zucchini and/or red peppers.


  • 2 medium eggplants

  • salt, black pepper

  • 4 garlic cloves

  • 4 tomatoes

  • 5 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika

  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin

  • 1 tablespoon parsley and coriander chopped

Barba (Beetroot) Salad


  • 250g beetroot

Salted sauce

  • 2 crushed garhic cloves

  • 1 teaspoon vunegar

  • salt and pepper

  • 1 tablespoon parsley finely chopped

Sweet sauce

  • 1 lemon juice

  • 2 tablespoons castor sugar


  • Poach beetroots until total cooking, Leave to cool, peel and dice.

For salted salad

  • Mix beetroots with garlic, vinegar, parsley, salt and pepper. Serve cold.

For sweet salad

  • Marinate beetroots into lemon juice and sugar for 5minutes. Mix and serve cold.

Carrots Salad


Peel and cut carrots into medium or small pieces, poach in salted water. Drain and put them in a pan, salt and pepper over low heat, then mix with garlic, oil cumin and parsley.


Serve hot or cold depending on the season.


  • 250g carrots

  • salt & pepper

  • 3 finely chopped garlic cloves

  • 2 tablespoons oil

  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin

  • 1 tablespoon parsley finely chopped

Pepper Taktouka :


  • Toast peppers, preserve in plastic bag a few minutes so that they become easy to peel. (It's inadvisable to wash them after peeling). Dice peppers.

  • Hull, blanch and de-seed tomatoes then dice and fry quickly in a pan with oil, crushed garlic paprika, cumin, salt and pepper. Reduce sauce over low heat, stirring.

  • Add 1o the sauce diced peppers and stir with a wooden spatula. At the end, sprinkle tacktouka with parsley and coriander chopped as a decoration. Serve hot or cold as you wish,


  • 1 red pepper

  • I green pepper

  • 4 tomatoes

  • 5 tablespoons olive oil

  • 4 garlic cloves

  • 1/2 teaspoon þaprika

  • 1/2 teaspoon cumun

  • Salt, pepper

  • 1 tablespoon parsley and coriander chopbed

Bakkoula Salad (Mallow Salad)


  • 2 bunches bakkoula (mallows)

  • 1/2 glass olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon cumin

  • 1 teaspoon paprika

  • 1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper

  • salt

  • 5 garlic cloves

  • 1 bowl chopped parsley and coriander.

  • 1 lemon juice

  • 50g red olives

  • 1 preserved lemon.


Cleanse bakkoula bunches and remove yellow and dead leaves. Rinse many times under stream of water. Drain and chop finely with a knife.

Steam the bakkoula in a couscous steamer for 20min.

Place it in a pan; add olive oil, cumin, paprika, Cayenne pepper, salt, and garlic lightly chopped parsley and coriander.

Fry gently over low heat 10min.Stir with wooden spatula, spraying lemon juice when cooked. Before serving garnish with red olives and strips of preserved lemon.


The same recipe could be prepared s with spinach.